´See the goal´ was an EU-funded transnational project in the Erasmus KA2 programme, 2016-2018. The project ended successfully with a wide range of products, among those videos of in-company learning outcomes from different vocational fields. The final report was assessed as “very good” from the Slovenian National Agency and their external experts (May 2019).


Work-based learning

Work-based learning has found its well-deserved revival and yet not peaked, regarding the exploration and implementation of its full potential. Dual systems for vocational education and training (VET) are leading the statistics for youth employment and generate a fast pay-off for public investment of education.

On the other hand, there is a well-known range of challenging tasks tied to dual systems: Acquiring a sufficient number of training companies, creating a satisfying interaction between college-based teaching and work-based learning, negotiating on the financing of students´ in-company periods, identifying the needs of the markets, etc.

Quality of in-company training

One of the key challenges is the quality of the in-company training. The quality influences the motivation and retention of students, their learning results and scores of their final examinations as well as the payback speed for the training companies.

A significant step forward in this context is the consequent improvement of designing, applying and assessing the ´in-company learning outcomes´. Typically these learning outcomes are included in official regulations and/or guidelines. Various evaluations have shown that there is a general need to make learning outcomes more transparent and easier to adapt to daily training practice.

In-company learning outcomes as videos

stg_red_blackA welcome approach to address the challenge of applying clear and practice-close learning outcomes in the digital era – is the video technology.

In ´See the Goal´ video-recording was used to support the design, communication, training and (self-)assessment of in-company learning outcomes.

Professional film producers were involved in elaborating methods for “competent amateurs” in the VET sector.

´Intellectual outputs´

´See the goal´ resulted into 7 ´intellectual outputs´:

  1. In total 32 videos of in-company learning outcomes in Denmark, Slovenia, Portugal and Finland
  2. A manual for “how-to-do”
  3. Conclusions from trial runs in the 4 partner countries´ practices in companies and at VET colleges
  4. A guideline for in-company trainers
  5. A guideline for VET consultants
  6. A guideline for VET students
  7. A report on the design of in-company learning outcomes, both as a short version and as an extended version

Read more.


7 partner organisations from 4 countries cooperated on the development:

  • SLOVENIA: Lead partner national institute CPI and VET college SC Celje
  • DENMARK: Consultancy firm Moeve and VET college ZBC (previously SOSU Sjælland)
  • PORTUGAL: Chamber of Commerce and Industry CCILA, dep. DUAL
  • FINLAND: University of Applied Sciences HAME and VET college Tavastia

In all countries, the surveys, video-recording and trial runs took place in training companies, together with practitioners from VET colleges. All in all, the partnership covered national decision making authorities, social partners, practitioners and consultancy firms.

Transnational cooperation

A photostory on the transnational co-creation and mutual inspiration was launched in 2017. The photostory itself was created in close border-crossing collaboration between Slovenian VET college Tavastia, Danish VET college ZBC/SOSU Sjælland, Stevns Kommune, Lejre Kommune and Moeve.