MAPPING aims to support teachers and school leaders who want to implement or to improve the work with individual study plans in vocational education and training.

Transfer-of-innovation project with 5 European partner countries: Denmark, Slovenia, UK/Wales, The Netherlands and Finland.

Co-funded by European Commission, 2013-2015.

Facilitation: Moeve.



  1. The QUALITY MAP, launched as a web-app: A guideline with models, methodical-didactical instruments and crucial principles for the implementation and improvement of an individualized learning approach. Available as a European version in English, as well as national versions in Slovenian and Dutch.
  2. A range of teacher training units, based on MAP. Besides several national versions, a transnationally co-created MOOC has successfully been trial-run with a number of global VET-teachers.
    With academic paper “The dialogical authentic netlearning activity (DIANA)  model for collaborative knowledge construction in MOOC”.
  3. A multimedia documentation of best practice cases from trial runs in the 5 partner countries during the project period. The documentation visualizes methodologies for supporting individualized learning and is integrated into MAP as well as the teacher training units.