
Workshoppen d. 9. juni 2016 omhandler samspillet mellem skole og praktikken, og i dansk kontekst med fokus på praktikmål. Workshoppen foregår på dansk/norsk.

Dansk landekoordinator i det nordiske projekt om arbejdspladslæring, Regina Lamscheck-Nielsen, Moeve aps, vil fremlægge 6 operationelle anbefalinger for formulering af og god praksis med praktikmål.

HR-konsulent Mette Flygenring vil illustrere anbefalingerne med eksempler fra god praksis i social- og sundhedsplejen i Slagelse Kommune.


The paper “Learning goals for in-company training: Formulation and Practice”, 2016, Lamscheck-Nielsen, and the full Danish report can be considered as a pre-study  for further research on this topic.


(Extract from paper)

There is an increasing need for higher transparency and quality assurance of workplace learning, caused by increasing international exchange, higher student mobility between the educational institutions/programs and a growing number of frequent short-lasting in-company training periods.
Companies ask for clarity of what the students have to learn in the workplace, and the colleges need to know what the students have learned in the companies, for planning and assuring that all students achieve their targeted competencies.
The learning goals for the in-company training periods could be keys to meet these needs. But in Denmark, there is great diversity between the trades and within the educational programs, as to how learning goals are formulated, which taxonomies are applied and how achievement is assessed.