11th Nov. 2020: Regina Lamscheck-Nielsen, Moeve, presents her paper “ROBOdidactic – the journey and perspectives of a tech-didactic model” at the international conference “Creative Learning Environment”, Slovenia (program).
Teachers from the Vocational High School Svendborg contribute with innovative cases from their teaching practice.
This paper presents the update of ROBOdidatic (Majgaard and Lamscheck-Nielsen, 2019). ROBOdidactic is a practice-based and practice-directed tech-didactic model for designing and evaluating courses with digital production.
The non-normative model offers inspiration and methods within 4 dimensions: teaching design, digital production, digital literacy and the environment for the courses. Its 21 elements are outlined concretely in guidelines and can be selected in a didactic framework. The model has been tested and is now in early use in secondary education as well as in transition courses between upper primary to secondary education.
ROBOdidactic vs. 2.0 is the current result of an agile process, undertaken as community action research in an adaptive and participatory project design. 3 mutually independent projects with different timelines were used for this purpose: crossingIT (2017-2019), ROBOlearning (2018-2021) and ARducation (2020-2022). At the same time, synergies between the projects were achieved.
The next steps will be transforming ROBOdidactic into an app with augmented reality, visualizing course examples from the 3 projects. Teachers will experience the app in teacher training, while they will plan courses with digital production, among other things with augmented reality.
International interest in the work is increasing, and new partnerships, together with new emerging technologies, will challenge teaching design as we know it today, once again.
ROBOdidactic 2.0 (2020)

ROBOdidaktik 2.0 (på dansk) som an app; indeholder også elementer med Augmented Reality.